Released version 1.41.0 of the ChatKitty JavaScript SDK


Adds support for message reactions. React to a message using the kitty.reactToMessage(...) method:

await kitty.reactToMessage({ message, emoji: ':thumbsup:' });

To find the full list of emoji names supported by ChatKitty check out 🎁 Emoji cheat sheet for GitHub, Basecamp, Slack & more

To receive updates when chat participants react to a message. Register a onMessageReaction chat session listener:

const result = kitty.startChatSession({
  channel: channel,
  onMessageReaction: (message, reaction) => {
    // handle received message reaction

Fetch previous reactions to a message using kitty.getReactions(...):

const result = await kitty.getReactions({ message });

Remove a message reaction using kitty.removeReaction(...):

await kitty.removeReaction({ message });

Channel members filter

Adds support for channel member filtering based on display name:

const result =  await kitty.getChannelMembers({ channel, filter: { displayName: 'Jane' } });

See Ability to filter channel members

Add channel moderators

Channel moderators and creators can now add new moderations using the SDK:

await kitty.addChannelModerator({
  user: { username: '' },

See How to update a channel using the SDK with a user added after channel creation

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