Last year, I wrote a series of articles on the ChatKitty blog covering how to create an Expo React chat app. The articles cover the basic concepts you need to get started with ChatKitty if you plan to use Expo or React Native to build your product. The series is broken up into four parts.
The first part covers:
Creating an Expo React Native project using the Expo CLI tool
Building Sign up and Login screens for your project
Adding Firebase Authentication to handle user registration and sign-in
Integrating Firebase with ChatKitty using a chat function to authenticate your chat users and securely begin chatting.
The second part covers:
Creating public channels for chat users to join
Creating a Home screen of channels the current user has join and can chat into
Creating a Browse screen of channels the current user has access to but hasn’t joined
Integrating the Gifted Chat React Native library to implement a group chat screen
The third part is all about notifications and covers:
Implementing in-app notifications to inform the current user of chat events from another context than the current app context
Using Expo push notifications to send push notifications using a chat function
The final part completes the chat app, covering:
Creating direct channels for one-to-one messaging
Enhancing the chat experience by integrating Gifted Chat’s in-built typing indicator and later replacing it with a custom more detailed indicator
Notifying chat users when a user enters or leaves a chat
Adding functionality to leave channels